Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Am Not the Biggest Loser

I've decided to go back to using LoseIt!, a calorie-counting app that also lets you factor in your calorie burn from everyday activities like walking and grocery shopping.

I had great success with LoseIt! in the past. Between the beginning of December and the end of February I lost 18 lbs and got back down to the weight I was when I first got pregnant, 147 lbs. This is actually 7 lbs. more than I ultimately want to be, the weight I was when I was working a full-time job and felt good in all my clothes. But it still felt like a huge accomplishment.

Of course, it didn't hurt that I was burning crazy calories every day just by nursing, which I was doing all day and usually twice at night. Now I'm burning far fewer calories that way, but looking back I realize I haven't adjusted my eating habits accordingly.

I managed to get down to 145-ish, but there I stalled. And then a few weeks ago I stepped onto the scale and noticed it was 3 lbs. higher than it had been the previous time. I literally went into denial and accused Scott of having recalibrated our scale by using it when it was obviously used to bearing my weight and no more. Eventually, though, I realized I couldn't place the blame on him when it more appropriately belonged to the giant mess of Easter candy I've been consuming for weeks now. Damn it, Cadbury Creme Eggs, why can't I quit you?

So, back to LoseIt! I go. This time around I would like to lose that last 10 lbs, which I feel I can realistically do in about two months. After that, the goal will be simply figuring out how to maintain that weight. We've been hiking on the weekends, walking to Farmer's Market on Sunday mornings and I also go walking with the dogs every day for varying distances, between 1-2 miles. I also eat lots of fruits and vegetables, so I know it's not lack of either that's the problem. It's my weakness for junk food, plain and simple. So for the next two months, no Del Taco, no Girl Scout cookies, no bags of chocolate mini-eggs with a delicious candy shell. Although I'm not ruling out the occasional french fry. I'm only human.

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