Friday, May 14, 2010

Well, This Is New.

For the past several weeks Sadie has been working very intently on trying new sounds. Those efforts mostly consisted of her twisting her mouth into wacky expressions, smacking her lips together, and eventually resorting to the same old sounds she's been making for months now, which are all basically variations on "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH."


Yesterday, though, it all came together for the first time, all that contorting and smacking and "ahh"-ing, and suddenly, BAM. This.

I apologize that the video below has barely any actual baby in it. I pretty much can't get near Sadie with the iPhone because she will immediately hurl herself at it in an effort to get it into her mouth, so I have to trick her into thinking it's not there. You'll see at the end, when I do finally try pointing it at her, the jig is up pretty quickly.

Sadie baby babble

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I could listen to babies babble all day long, it's so heartwarming. Just wait til she says mama :)
