Wednesday, October 14, 2009

While the Cat's Away, the Mouse Will Post

And by "cat" I mean Sadie, and by "mouse" I mean myself, and by "away" I mean "asleep for two minutes, finally, after five freaking hours of fussing and refusing to be anywhere but in my arms without pitching a royal hissy."

This is her new phase. She wants to be in my arms, not anywhere else, and being put down in her swing or her bouncy seat or, god forbid, her bassinet, is grounds for tears, wailing and gnashing of teeth. Literally as I type this, I'm shooting her swing suspicious glances, waiting for her to realize she's stuck in there and not with me.

And hey, she just realized it! Later.

1 comment:

  1. This is the part they don't tell you about.  


    It passes.  Trust me.    Along wth ginormous amounts of poop.   
