Do you know what a three and a half week old baby does?
Not a lot.
The things she does do are pretty cute, to be sure. She now holds eye contact, and when she's in a good mood she goes through a variety of facial expressions that make her look more like a human and less like a little goblin.
We've taken to entertaining her with silly, high-pitched sounds, which, on a good day, get her to break into a little half-smile. The delighted cackling that this reaction elicits is hard to believe. I think it's just that such a large portion of our days are devoted to merely keeping her from fussing that when she swings over into good cheer, it's cause for celebration.
She's discovered her hands, and is now very interested in them rather than just using them to flail wildly and whack herself repeatedly in the face. Sucking on her fists, putting her fingers in her mouth and reaching outwards towards us are all new signs of progress.
These are all small things, though. For the most part she is still very much a newborn. She spends much of each day sleeping in her swing, or in somebody's arms. When she's not doing that, she's eating. She eats ALL THE TIME. Constantly. It's great to see but exhausting to keep up with.
We're very happy with this little girl, despite the new challenges she throws at us every day.
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