At my 36 week appointment, I came in with a laundry list of issues for my OB.
I was concerned about the possibility that my amniotic fluid might be low. I wasn't getting enough sleep and wondered what could be done about it. When did they start regular cervical checks? Was I still measuring large? Did the heartbeat sound okay? Could I have an ultrasound just in case?
My OB looked me in the eye and said, in a perfectly calm voice, "You need to get a hobby for the next four weeks."
She was completely right. Reading and obsessing over what it must feel like to lose your mucous plug is not a hobby. Eating is (unfortunately) not a hobby. Lying in bed watching "Models of the Runway" and groaning is not a hobby.
Therefore, I have finally taken it upon myself to start our baby blog. From here on out I will be posting regular updates concerning pregnancy, labor, delivery and all the many, many things that will follow once we get home. Photos, videos, anecdotes -- look for them all here.
And welcome to the Slurry baby blog.
Yay! I'm so glad that you are going to be blogging all of this! Can't wait to read your future posts! XOXOX