Sunday, September 13, 2009

I Snore Now

Snoring has always been the one thing I could confidently give Scott a hard time about. Well, that and his habit of absentmindedly rubbing his hands together while ordering food at a restaurant, as if he's a cartoon villain sharing the details of his latest diabolical plot. But that's just really cute. The snoring, not so much.

He's always been a snorer, but we've figured out a way to maintain a good sense of humor about it. I compromise by wearing earplugs on the rare nights that it really bothers me. He compromises by not getting grumpy when I wake him up to turn him over by leaning into his ear and whisper-yelling, "Honey. You're SNORING."

But neither of us really knows how to deal with this new symptom of my pregnancy: I now snore. A lot. Every night.

It's not like cute, petite girl-snoring, either. It's like that choking, rat-tat-tat machine-gun type snoring where you're struggling to pull air in and you wake yourself up from a combination of suffocation and sheer noise. As of last week, I discovered that the only safe position was to sleep on my left side -- that way I didn't snore. And it's easier than you'd imagine to sleep in one position all night, because turning over is such a huge pain-in-the-ass procedure these days that I'm not likely to change positions accidentally in the middle of the night.

But last night was the first night that, no matter what position I shifted into, the snoring would not go away. Every time I was about to slide into sleep, I'd feel my own breath catch in my throat and hear a giant, loud HUUUUUUUNK sound and then Scott would get up and stomp his way into the bathroom, which in husband language means "You are really, really irritating me right now but I am too polite to say so."

Now, after so many years teasing my husband about his own breathing issues, I finally know what he's been going through. Sleep apnea both sucks and blows.


  1. Hee! Scott says you were the one who was snoring and he stands by that story.

  2. lies. that man is telling you lies.

    and has been standing by his lies for years.

  3. [this is good] You are mistaken.
