Thursday, August 25, 2011


Things I'll be taking with me on our Hawaii vacation this time around that I have never taken with me on previous trips:
  • Five dresses. FIVE. I am not a dress person. Every time I buy a cute summer sundress in Hawaii I come back to LA and think, "This dress is tiny and strapless. I have no business walking around with a strapless bra on anymore." And the dress gets shuttled away to the back of the closet. But this time? All I can think is that if I only have to worry about putting on one garment each day, that's, like, two other garments that I don't need to worry about putting on. And so the dresses are coming out to play. I can wear a bathing suit underneath them, and if the suit is dirty, well, Hawaii is just going to have to deal with either visible bra straps or my unsupported bosoms.
  • A carseat that has a telescoping handle and so doubles as a stroller. File this under "things I never knew existed and will use probably once."
  • An iPad containing thirty episodes of "Yo Gabba Gabba" and also, for good measure, "Bubble Guppies."
  • Just say that out loud. "Bubble Guppies."
  • A bag filled with cheap, tacky crap, the sole purpose of which is to amuse a toddler for ten precious minutes at a time. Said cheap items include a booklet of Lisa Frank stickers, a yo-yo, a set of plastic car keys with Disney princesses on them, and Post-Its.
  • A base tan, because my old philosophy of staying the hell out of the sun has been difficult to maintain this summer. 
  • An attitude of grim determination as I ready myself for a five-hour plane flight, which I'm POSITIVE will be followed by ten days of sheer bliss as Scott, Sadie, Yayo, Yaya, Auntie Kate and I enjoy spending time together in paradise. 
See you in September, y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, have fun! We just got back from GA, which was only a 1h 20m flight. I had the iPad all loaded up with goodies and do you know kept V occupied? Forty minutes on buckling and unbuckling the seat belt, 20 minutes on taking her shoes off/on, 10 minutes of playing with my credit card (swiping it through the seat tray slot). So just go with the flow and hope for the best!
