Monday, November 21, 2011

New Things

I haven't updated in a few months, so if you happen to stumble back here upon this site and are wondering what's been going on, there are a few little tweaks and changes, but everything else is pretty much the same. I'll be trying to get back into my regular routine of posting weekly or so; there's never a shortage of things to say, only a shortage of time to ponder which of them might be interesting to other people and which could interest only immediately family members, if I'm lucky.

I went back through my old posts and labeled as many of them as I could. That should make it easier to find particular sections if say, you would like to refer some of my posts to parents who are dealing with physical delays like hypotonia. Or maybe you just want to read the post where I utterly spaz about having a nanny who stole from us, or you want to tsk for a few minutes over my ineptitude over finding other mom friends.Well, now you can!

I'll try to post more multimedia here regularly, because that stuff is what I most like to see on other people's baby blogs and it's much more gratifying than wading through fourteen dense paragraphs of text. As I'm as good as my word, I'm inserting this video of my child playing catch with my Dad. They each seem a little baffled by the novelty of the other.


  1. Mom here ... that's AMANDA's Mom. Amanda is Sadie's Mom. Dottie is my Mom. Got that? Don't you love multigenerational confusion?

    Nice video! Looks like Grandpa and Sadie are on the same sillies wavelength. Very fortunate!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Testing, testing ... Mom here ... let's see if this works ...
