Saturday, July 3, 2010


With the arrival of summer came babyhood on a whole new level. Sadie eats food off our plates (today it was tiny bits of cheese, mushrooms and sausage off our pizza at Costco), gives wet sloppy kisses to everything around her, and now understands a lot of what I say. "Hungry," "bottle," "sleepy"...I think I'm going to have to start watching my swearing. Shit.

Here's where we are in life right now. Sadie starts daycare full time starting next week. It's worked out so well having her there part time that I've kind of gotten spoiled. The more she's away, the more work I can do, and the more work I can look for. I've had more work in the past month than in the past two years combined, all of it very welcome and rewarding. I've been writing for a living for years now, but now I finally feel like a professional writer. I'm also helping my mother out with a massive-scale filing project one day a week.

All in all, there's a lot to do, and while putting a nine month old baby in daycare five times a week may sound like a lot, the truth is that we still spend a lot of time together. I'll drop her off in the mornings, then pick her up around 3:30 every afternoon. That way we still have all afternoon and evening to spend together, playing at home with the dogs or sitting in the shade under our orange trees in the backyard, or running errands. She's now old enough to sit in the shopping  cart instead of in the Baby Bjorn, looking around at everything and everyone.

Meanwhile, now that I've got mornings to myself, I have a giant laundry list of stuff I'd love to get done that's been put off since I first got pregnant a year and a half ago. Like, for instance, organizing the closet. Arranging a garage sale. Donating to Goodwill. Pulling out all the failed plants in our vegetable garden and preparing to seed in late summer. Dust under EVERYTHING, because the dust bunnies have begun banding together and forming a rebel army.

Well, I was going to update more, but Her Royal Highness just woke up from her afternoon nap. I'm the court jester, so I'd better get ready to do some entertaining.


  1. Moms rarely feel 100% comfortable with the concept of day care.  It's funny when you realize that Moms have been working outside the home since there were Moms.   But we are easily guilt-tripped about anything we choose for our kids, even in the 21st century. 

    One day the Mommyhood Enforcement Squad will fade into oblivion.  Maybe by the time Sadie has her own.  

    You and your sister both enjoyed day care very much.  As I mentioned, you arrived home one day from Penny's fully toilet-trained.  I still don't know how she did that!   And I spent a LOT of quality time with both of you, as evidenced by the fact that you are such upstanding citizens. :)     

  2. Aw, it's so nice to catch up on all things Sadie! She's really growing up. Loved the videos you'd posted, and reading all about what she's learned lately! What was your solution to her problem with drinking water?? Or did she just one day decide that the sippy cup was her friend again?

  3. I think maybe the issue with water was that she wasn't very thirsty. Since the weather has warmed up, she's become better about taking it from the sippy cup. We've also occasionally used just a regular cup, and she'll drink out of that although it always winds up being a messy experience. I need to write a longer post -- she's gone through her first bad cold and is now having issues with muscle development, so there's plenty of updating to do!
