Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Local Infant Breaks Own Sleep Record

Valley Village, California -- Six week old Sadie M. shattered her own previously held record of five and a half hours of straight sleep last night at her home in Valley Village.

Sadie stunned onlookers when she fell asleep after a feeding at 9:45pm on Monday, November 2nd, and did not awake again until 4:15am on November 3rd. While the baby has been gradually increasing her sleep time over the past few weeks, the six and one half hour stretch of uninterrupted sleep went above and beyond all predictions.

When asked about her achievement, the brown haired, blue-eyed infant credited a grueling pre-bedtime regimen of physical activity, refusal to nap, and ear-splitting screaming.

"The trick is to allow Mom to rock you right to the brink of sleep, then whack yourself in the face with your fist to wake yourself back up," said Sadie. She then punctuated her sentence by ripping a long fart and blowing several raspberries.

Proud parents Scott and Amanda M. were not available for comment, having snuck away for a nap while their daughter was being interviewed, leaving reporters a bottle of expressed breast milk and a burp cloth. (AP)


  1. I did a Spit Take.

  2. [this is good] So Sadie apparently called Emily and told her how fantastic it is to sleep that long. New flash. One of the Dunne girls slept from nine p.m. last night until four thirty a.m. and then slept in until seven thirty. The Dunne girls are notorious for NOT SLEEPING! Mom feels fantastic this morning but is still inhaling the coffee! THanks for the memo Sadie!
