Moms who read this blog...I'm very curious to know whether or not you were pressured to breastfeed over formula feed -- and, in the case of the older generations, were you pressured NOT to breastfeed back when it was out of vogue? How did you make your choice? What were the factors you based your decision on -- work obligations? Physical difficulties?
I've been reading many articles on the matter, this being the most recent one to get me thinking: Are the Benefits of Breastmilk Oversold?
Moms-to-be, dads, those with no intention of ever having children...what are your feelings on the matter? Do you feel strongly one way or another?
I find the current debate today over breastfeeding to be fascinating. Moms who formula feed complain of pressure, guilt, from society, even if they have legitimate reasons for having chosen formula over breastfeeding. And who is to say whether a reason is "legitimate" or not? Is it selfish to "deprive" your baby of breastmilk simply because you didn't have the time to do it properly, or you had difficulty with the process and weren't willing to put yourself through weeks or months of pain?
I can offer my own story: I was lucky enough to want to breastfeed and to have the opportunity -- I've been working from home, my daughter had no difficulties latching on. I did NOT choose to breastfeed because of the insistence of our birthing class teacher, or La Leche League, or anybody else, that breast is best. I already knew I wanted to try, on a very personal level.
My reasons for continuing to do it, to be honest, are mostly selfish at this point. I love the experience. If I had a need to switch to formula, then I would be reluctant -- not because I feel that formula is not as good as breast milk, but because I've enjoyed sharing the time with Sadie. (I suppose I'd also miss the convenience -- heating up a bottle at 3am is never as easy as opening up the nursing bra.)
However, with that said, I always feel annoyed when people ask me if I'm breastfeeding and then, when I say yes, nod with approval and say, "Good for you!" Why do I need their approval? What are they thinking when someone responds, "No, I'm not?" Why is it any of their business how I nourish my child?
If you feel so inclined please leave a comment, I would love to hear your thoughts.